Monday, 16 December 2013

Blessed Holidays and a Happy New Year!

We wish to thank all our esteemed customers and four legged patients for a successful opening year of "small five VET CLINIC"! 

 Our clinic will be closed for holidays
from 23rd until 26th of December


Sunday, 15 December 2013

Tana - a success story.

A dog named Tana
Our “small five VET CLINIC”-Team got a call from Karen, Nairobi. As usual we respond to house calls very fast with the seriousness it deserves. It was a case involving Tana a 12 year old spayed Labrador Retriever. She had developed a huge lump on the left abdominal groin area which has been growing consistently over the past 3years.

Of major concern was that Tanas condition was deteriorating, she had lost her appetence, was lethargic and sluggish over the last 2 days to the visit. Vaccination and worming was up to date. She has a strong character, has rarely fell sick all her life, the owners love her and have always offered her the best care a dog can get. She is actually more than a member of this family.

On arriving at site, we were greeted and received by more than six dogs, different ages and breeds, ranging from Springer Spaniel, German Shepherd, White Labrador Retriever, Terriers amongst others. They barked heavily while they chased after our ambulatory mobile. At the parking lot we could clearly pick out Tana from the rest of the dogs, she lay at the veranda, upon seeing our vet she sluggishly stood up and came towards wagging her tail, our vets observation was that she struggled to walk. On the ventral left abdominal area next to the thigh muscle.


General Examination
The swelling was a painful firm smooth mass approximately 20cm diameter, it was warm to touch and surrounded by a centimetre of fluid. She had a fever with a body temperature of 40.2 degrees Celsius, way above the normal 38.5 degrees Celsius. She had a weak pulsation, dehydrated; in general her health was greatly compromise.

Differential Diagnosis
Such swellings will either be an abscess, a tumour, haematoma or wound trauma and subsequent tissue swelling.

After a series of x-rays, aspiration, ultrasound we diagnosed the massive swelling to be a benign tumour of the left mammary gland also called mammary gland neoplasia.
Luckily for Tana the tumour had not metastasized to the abdominal and thoracic region.

Surgical excision of the tumour under general anaesthesia was the remedy of choice.
After a 4 hour procedure, we successfully excised the tumour.


Tana is glad to have back her life with an extended life span. 
We are always happy when we save your pets life!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Transporting Your Pet By Plane

Last week we transported a 4 months old puppy from Nairobi to Coast and found out that the most convenient way is through Airkenya.
All you need is a ...
  • Health Certificate” – we will be happy to check if it is valid and has all necessary vaccinations 
  • Transport Permit” from "small five VET CLINIC" 
  • Transport Cage” 
  •  reserved Ticket (you can travel with the dog or send it alone, both for a small fee of $ 30.- (Oct 2013), for more details call small five VETCLINIC 0202001007) 
The airport staff was very understanding and allowed the dog to be walked outside until shortly before departure which minimizes the stress in the cage and plane. The time in the cage is short and the pet is transported in a pressurized luggage compartment. Make sure you don’t feed your dog before the journey but give it little to drink to avoid dehydration. Make it used to the transport box a few days before travelling (e.g. lock it there during night for sleeping).

We can highly recommend this way of transport!

Jessy (4 months) arrived happy in Diani!

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Kenya Veterinary Board

We are glad to announce that we got inspected by the Kenya Veterinary Board inspectors.

The veterinary boards mandate is to regulate and oversee the veterinary practice towards ensuring patients get nothing but the best. We are happy to have fulfilled the boards requirements.
We will be currently adjusting our operations as advised.

 Thanks for supporting the "small five VET CLINIC".

Sunday, 21 July 2013


A day after deworming this round worms came off a 5 week old rott pup!


Did you know animals can get infested with worms as early as at birth?
Yes, in the uterus the worms can be transmitted from the maternal system to the foetus. After birth most of the worms are transmitted via suckling process from the maternal system to the young ones through milk, from the ground and housing.

Worms share a big portion of the feed you give to your animal, by sucking blood they also lower the immunity. In return these young ones are vulnerable to disease attacks.

At “small five VET CLINIC” we advice regular deworming between 2-3 months. We also carry out faecal lab examinations to determine if your pet is worm infested.

Make sure you deworm your pet regularly!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Puppy Care

What if the mother dies and you are left with four cute but helpless and hungry puppies?

In that case prepare for busy nights and make sure you have the right substitute food. Your effort will definitely pay. Keep the puppies warm and clean. Foodwise we highly recommend bewi-dog whelp milk.

Even if your bitch has milk it is an excellent addition to ensure your puppies will grow big and healthy!

Get bewi-dog whelp milk at our pet shop and give your puppies a good start into their lives!

Parvo kills - but this time the dog was lucky ...

A few days ago this Spitz was brought to our clinic. She had bloody diarrhoea, was very weak and had already water in her lungs.

The last Parvo cases all ended lethal but she looked hardy and strong and responded immediately to the infusion and injections. The survival rate for your dog with that virus is minimal and the disease can easily be avoided with a yearly vaccination.

We always preach that prevention is better than cure!
And this case proofs is so clearly:
We treated the Spitz and her brother and the bill for medication, care, boarding, transport, disinfection and cleaning (the virus is highly contagious) got high. The dogs could have been given their yearly booster for their whole life.

Yearly boosters and regular deworming are a must for a healthy pet!

Friday, 28 June 2013

Skill Enhancment

Our team seizes every opportunity to enhance its knowledge and seeks further training in Kenya and abroad to be able to offer you and your pet the most ideal services at small five VET CLINIC.

One of our doctors is attending a two day workshop that is organized by Lesukut Ltd in collaboration with KVB (Kenya Veterinary Board).

Veterinary experts from principals in South Africa, as well as experienced local professionals will give lectures on the following topics:
  1. Approach to the patient with polyuria & polydipsia.
  2. Approach to the vomiting patient.
  3. Diagnosis & treatment of otitis externa in the dog.
  4. Approach to the pruritic patient.
  5. Concepts in the diagnosis of the congestive heart failure in dogs and cats.
  6. Endocrine emergencies.
  7. Small animal vaccination in Kenya.
  8. Animal welfare situation in Kenya.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Prevention is the better, saver and cheaper option!

A clean environment, proper feeding and the correct preventative treatment (vaccinations and regular deworming) at small five VET CLINIC will give your pet a long and happy life and will please the owner with less worries and little expenses.

Deworming Regiment
Roundworm & hookworms Treat at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of age and thereafter every 12 weeks
Whip worms Treat every 6-8 Weeks after 12 Weeks of age
Tapeworms n(Including Hydatids) Treat every 6 Weeks
Tapeworms  (Excluding Hydatids) Treat every 12 Weeks

Vaccination Regime DOGS
(CPV) Parvo 1 6 Weeks
(CPV2) Parvo 2 8 Weeks
(DHLP+R) Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospira, Parvo 3, Rabies 1 10 Weeks
Rabies 2 16 Weeks

Vaccination Regime CATS
Feline rhinotracheitis-calci panleukopaenia virus Vaccine 1 8 Weeks
Rabies 1 12 Weeks
Boosters of the above 24 Weeks

Thereafter yearly boosters of the above vaccines for both cats and dogs.

Sadly the cases of lethal Canine Parvovirus are not decreasing. Weekly we see shocked owners that cannot believe that this virus at an advanced stage is not treatable anymore. It kills your dog and a vaccination can prevent that.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

New Pictures from the Clinic

Finally we had time to update our album with recent pictures of the clinic. We are happy that all constructions are finished and are enjoying receiving more and more clients every day.

Welcome to small five VET CLINIC!


Friday, 17 May 2013

Elizabethan Collar

Did you know that the "Elizabethan Collar" is very useful for your pet's quick recovery after surgeries? It prevents the pet from removing the bandages or sutures and licking wounds which will in turn result in infection or delayed healing.


Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Vaccinate your Pet!

Today we had two serious cases of canine parvovirus.
Prevention is the only way to ensure that your dog remains healthy because the disease is extremely virulent and contagious.
Survival rate depends on how quickly CPV is diagnosed, the age of the animal and how aggressive the treatment is. However, even with hospitalization, there is no guarantee that the dog will be cured and survive.

Signs of parvo are:
  • lethargy
  • vomiting
  • fever
  • diarrhea (usually bloody)
  • loss of appetite
Please check your pet certificate! If you are not sure bring your pet and the certificate to the clinic and let our doctors check on it. Prevention is far cheaper than a treatment.


Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A Successful Start

We are open since Monday and appreciate that so many clients already found their way to us. Thanks for all the referrals from our faithful customers.
We are happy to serve you in the clinic and during house visits!

Our opening hours are:
  • Monday: 08:00-12:00 and 15:00-18:00 
  • Tuesday: closed 
  • Wednesday: 08:00-12:00 and 15:00-18:00 
  • Thursday: house visits 
  • Friday:  08:00-12:00 and 15:00-18:00 
  • Saturday: 08:00-12:00 and 15:00-18:00 
  • Sunday: 15:00-18:00 house visits

Kindly call us for any price inquiry.
We have fixed rates and discounts if you bring more than one animal!

Friday, 3 May 2013

Opening 13th of May!

Our team will be at your full service from Monday 13th of May.

Watch out for our opening specials that will be announced soon!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Still constructing

The outside is ready but the inside is still under serious construction. The water was connected and the plumber and carpenter are finishing their work on Saturday.


Friday, 26 April 2013

47th Annual Scientific Conference and 13th World Veterinary Day Celebrations

Our vet team is currently representing us in Mombasa at the 47th Annual Scientific Conference and 13th World Veterinary Day Celebrations that are held at Whitesands from the 24th to the 27th of April 2013.

One health approach in veterinary training and practice.

Tomorrow the vets carry out free vaccinations and animal check up at Mariakani and Kaloleni Mombasa.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The Construction

The doors, walls, tints are ready. The electrician has finished his work. The furniture is ordered and the remaining is about to be built.
The following week we will concentrate on the most important: the vet requirements.


All walls/partitions are ready, the mdf boards and glasses are put at the aluminium frames, the electric work is almost done. The painter is about to start ...

Latest pictures (March):


While the lessor started partitioning the space and putting tiles we printed some nice posters to let people know we are here!


Friday, 1 March 2013

The Location

After months of preparations, paperwork, calculating, queuing and keeping the faith we finally signed the lease agreement at the Riverside Business Complex.

So this is where you find us >>

We will work on the interior and equipment of the clinic now. Loads of work ahead but we are confident to make it on time and still plan to open end of April.

Watch the transformation of the empty space into a state of the art vet clinic.