He is lucky we were able to fix it and currently he is recovering at the clinic. Most important - the dog is fine but it also cost the client more than double at the end. The client is happy and has learnt a lesson that cheap is expensive.
Use a registered veterinary surgeon who works at a clinic or is well known in your community.

Pictures (left: before the corrective surgery, right: our anesthetic machine)
P.S. One of the main anesthetic drugs might be terminated by the world pharmaceutical bodies, meaning it will be hardly accessible on the market. If successfully reclassified it won't be available at all.
Begs the question how will that affect you and your pet?
That means the only ethical and safe option is use of anesthetic gas for neutering and other surgeries. Most clinics in Nairobi have anesthetic machines, that means quacks coming to your house cannot sedate the animal properly. Just be keen and use a safe, clean solution!